When to call your doula:
Whether it’s a concern about something, or a question they have, many clients wonder when, and if, they should call their doula team.
At Rocket City Doulas, our doula team always wants to hear from you and to help you find the answer to any question or concern you have.

Here are a few times where it is important to reach out to your doula:
- You have a question or concern. Whether it is about pregnancy, newborn care, or a general question, if you have a question, reach out to your doula team! If they don’t have the answers or resources, the chances are that another member on our team can help, (or know someone who can!)
- You need to talk to someone. You don’t have to wait for a medical/pregnancy issue to reach out—your emotions matter just as much! Maybe you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming appointment, frustrated by conflicting advice, or simply overwhelmed by all the changes happening in your body and life. Your Rocket City Doula doula team is here to provide a calm, supportive presence—whether you need reassurance, a sounding board, or even just a moment to process your thoughts out loud.
- You’re contracting. It is OKAY if you reach out to your doula team to let them know you are contracting and they stop. We would rather have a “false” alarm of “go time” than a client be worried that they’re letting their doula know about contractions “too early.”
- Your water breaks. Even if labor hasn’t started yet, keeping your doula in the loop means they can help you think through your next steps and be ready when you need them. Unless you feel like it is an emergency, your doula team would love to be one of the first people to know something like this so they can be prepared to meet you as soon as you need them!
- You get a membrane sweep. This one feels self-explanatory, but it isn’t always. Your doula team is not going to try to talk you out of a membrane sweep, or be disappointed that you did (or didn’t) get one! Keeping your doulas updated helps them better prepare to support you, but also allows them to help guide you through the process of what to expect!
- Your birth is scheduled. If you’ve scheduled your induction or cesarean, give your doulas a heads’ up! Your doula team can walk you through what to expect, help you feel confident in your birth plan, and answer any last-minute questions.
- You are planning to kick-start labor in any way. We totally get it, sometimes you want to “try all the things” to get labor moving at home. If you decide to give anything a go, your doulas want to know!
- You’re unsure if what you are feeling is normal. Pregnancy, labor, and postpartum come with a variety of different sensations- physical and emotional. Sometimes, all you need is reassurance that what you’re feeling is normal, and other times, you may need a gentle nudge to contact your care provider.
- Something changes. Even if you’re not sure whether the change is important enough to mention, reach out anyway.

If you are still unsure whether to reach out to your doula, the answer is YES! Your doula would much rather hear from you and help ease your mind than have you sitting in uncertainty. We encourage our Rocket City Doulas clients to reach out to their doula team whenever they need more support or guidance.