We’ve returned to our series on introducing our doula team in blog format. This week, we feature Megan A. Meet the Doula- Megan A

What are your certifications and training? *
RN, BSN for 8 years (5 in L&D, 3 in a midwives’ office), Hypnobabies instructor and Hypno-doula, additional doula certification through Pro-Doula
Why did you become a doula? *
I went to nursing school with the intention of working in maternal-child health. I knew that one day I would work as a doula as well. When I worked as a bedside nurse, I tried to provide lots of education and emotional support. Over the years I have had the honor of serving as doula for friends, but now that my three boys are old enough, I am able to do doula work more regularly.
Why did you want to join Rocket City Doulas? *
Birth work is my passion and I have been active in this field my entire career. Educating expectant parents is an area I have taken particular interest in the last few years. I believe all women have the right to give birth in a supportive environment and feel that they have a voice and are heard throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. I love using the knowledge I have gained through my professional and personal experiences to support birthing women as a doula.
What’s your favorite thing about working with RCD? *
My favorite thing about being a part of Rocket City Doulas is working with my doula partner, Sarah. Having a partner makes doula work sustainable, knowing that I can travel and have backup without leaving clients hanging. Our clients benefit so much from having the expertise of two doulas with different but complimentary personalities and skill sets.

What is your favorite thing about being a doula? *
My favorite thing about being a doula is providing our clients with lots of education and resources. I love it when we finish a prenatal meeting and they say, “Oh I feel so much better now!”
Without revealing client information, what was your most memorable event/conversation/situation where you thought “This is what makes it all worth it?”*
When a client sees her baby for the first time, the expression of pure joy on her face makes me think, “This is all worth it.” I have had several clients lately who were laboring naturally and were so connected with their partners, it was beautiful to see the strength they drew from one another. There was not a dry eye in the room when they met their baby and it was such an honor to be present for those moments.
What’s the hardest thing about being a doula? *
The hardest part of being a doula is being on call for a client in prodromal labor. Prodromal labor is emotionally and physically tough for the client and it is challenging to keep them feeling positive. Being on call and ready to go at a moment’s notice for days on end also has its challenges. I always tell clients to give us as much “heads up” as they can so we can get our little ducklings in a row.
What’s your favorite random doula fact? *
The doula supports dad as much as mom!
When you’re not with clients, what are you doing?
Spending time with my husband and three boys, listening to audiobooks. I also teach Hypnobabies classes.
What are your favorite things to do for fun, and why? *
I love hiking, doing puzzles, and quilting.
What’s your favorite dad joke? *
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party? (He had noBODY to go with!) with
What else should we know about you?
I am the only Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis in the state of Alabama. I used Hypnobabies self-study program with my second pregnancy and saw that there was a need for more in-person childbirth education in the Huntsville area. Hypnobabies is a complete childbirth education course, covering choices in pregnancy and birth, nutrition, anatomy, stages of labor, and postpartum, as well as a heavy focus on learning self-hypnosis to achieve a deep state of relaxation for an easier, more-comfortable childbirth.
Have you all had a chance to Meet the Doula- Megan A? Don’t you love her like we do?