“What does the hospital provide for your recovery after birth?”
You’re getting close to your baby’s due date. Maybe you’re packing your hospital bags for the first time, or maybe you’re double-checking them because you can’t remember what’s in them (especially if you’ve had them packed since 33 weeks gestation and that was forever ago, am I right?) Maybe your bag is full, and you can barely zip it. Maybe you’re wondering if there is anything you can leave out. MAYBE your bag seems very empty and you’re wondering what you DID leave out!
Many people know that the hospital provides some items for you and your baby, but many people do not know what exactly the hospital provides for recovery after birth. Before you over (or under!) pack your hospital bag, check out our list below!
This is not an extensive list, but here are some things you can expect your hospital to provide for your recovery after birth:
Mesh underwear
Pads (these are very large, just be forewarned)
Ice packs

Some hospitals may provide:
Tucks pads
Nipple Balm
Sitz bath
Manual breast pump
Grippy socks
Belly Binder
For your baby, you can expect the hospital to provide:
Some type of swaddle (some hospitals provide swaddle-specific blankets like Halo-sleep sacks, and others are traditional receiving blankets.)
T-shirt (like a half-onsie)

If desired your hospital may also provide-
Nipple Sheilds
Of course, these items may vary depending on where you live and which hospital you are giving birth at. But, hopefully, this guide helps you with some insight into answering the question of “What does the hospital provide for your recovery after birth? “
What types of things did your hospital provide? Were there any on your list that didn’t make ours? Share in the comments!
Do hospitals still provide those ready to feed 2oz bottles and nipples for formula feeding?
Most of them do, yes!