We are continuing one of our series interviewing our favorite people in the Rocket City- doulas and preferred providers! (Our series is titled “Rocket City Doulas’ Favorite People”.)
Today, we have the AMAZING Dana Stone.
What is your business? (What does it provide?)*
Live and Rest Pediatric Sleep Coaching – Customized support to help families hit their sleep goals. (Find her website here.)
Why did you start/open/join your business? *
Having 2 teenagers, a toddler, and a nursling and a year of no sleep.
What makes your business different?*
Experience and trying to approach things from the family’s perspective. No one wants to hear their baby cry and no one wants to negatively impact their child. But we know so much about the science of sleep and the body. There is a way to help children learn the skills around independent sleep without crying it out.
What’s your favorite thing about working with RCD? *
I love the consistency and unconditional support that you represent.
Without revealing client information, what was your most memorable event/conversation/situation where you thought “This is what makes it all worth it?”*
One time a woman walked up to me at an event and started crying, hugged me, and said that I helped her more than she would ever know. She wasn’t even a paid client, she just used my free resources.
What’s the hardest thing about your job? *
Not checking the sleep logs at night. I am so invested in the family’s success. But I shouldn’t derail my own sleep.
What’s your favorite random fact related to your business? *
Approximately 50% of kids and teens have regular problems getting enough sleep. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
When you’re not with clients, what are you doing?
Family adventure days or at Disney lol
What are your favorite things to do for fun, and why? *
Hiking, biking, Drinking Bourbon
What’s your favorite dad joke? *
I’m so good at sleep, I can do it with my eyes closed.

A HUGE thank you to Dana for the amazing work she does with our clients. (Did you know our RCD postpartum and infant care doulas can help support the work Dana does with clients? Yes, we do that!)