Loose Bowel Movements in Early Labor
Everybody poops. We’ve all heard the phrase and maybe even have the cute children’s book. Just when you feel like you’ve got the hang of managing your nausea and constipation in pregnancy, you’re almost at the finish line. You think you may be finally finished thinking about bowel movements in pregnancy (and maybe you’re worried about what happens during labor!) But, then, you’re hit with a bought of diarrhea.

Are you sick? What’s going on?
You take your question to Google, and Google tells you- it **might** be a sign of early labor! (When combined with regular contractions- even those super mild ones, and not everyone experiences this.) Loose Bowel Movements in Early Labor are super common.
Wait! What? LABOR?!
Is this normal? Why would I have Loose Bowel Movements in Early Labor?

Loose Bowel Movements in Early Labor are super common. When prostaglandins are released it can cause contractions in the bowels, leading to loose stool. This is also why some people experience diarrhea during their period! (You can read more about what prostaglandins do here. They do a LOT more than just kick-start labor.)
It isn’t a “given” that your diarrhea is the beginning of labor, though. (Just like most “early labor” signs. It could be labor, or maybe not!) Your loose stools could be for a variety of reasons. You could have a virus or have eaten something that didn’t agree with you, OR something else. Whatever the cause is it’s important to stay hydrated and keep an eye on your let your provider know if it becomes an issue.
(And definitely let your Rocket City Doula team know of any changes! Your doulas don’t have a TMI limit!)What about you? Was diarrhea an early labor sign for you? What was your experience like?