Expecting a new baby and not sure how your other child\children will react? Here are a few Top tips from our postpartum doulas for introducing a new baby to your toddler.

*Talk about the baby a lot with your older child before they are born. Talk them about your hospital stay or home birth.
*Read books to your older child about adding a new baby sibling before your new baby comes.
*Make time to spend one-on-one with your older child once the new baby arrives, if possible. Prioritize your personal relationship outside of the baby. (Did you know RCD postpartum and infant care doulas can help with this? Your doula can help take care of your infant while you spend time with your older child!
*Create or purchase some special activities your older child can do while you feed your new baby. Think something engaging and new and only used during feeding times! If you are bottle feeding, consider helping your toddler “feed” their new sibling.
*If your older child no longer naps, consider creating a nap time box of interesting book, activities, and toys that they can play independently with while you occasionally rest with your newborn.
*Give your older child a job to do- sorting diapers, helping bring the baby’s clothes in the morning- something to make your older child feel involved in the baby’s care.

*Spend time with your older child around babies before your baby is born if possible. (With permission, of course, and never if your child is sick in any way!)
*Keep your older child’s schedule as close to normal as possible once your new baby arrives. Consistency will help your child not get overtired, or over stimulated more than they have to!
There is an abundance of advice on the internet, in books, and on social media! Obviously this is a very simplified list, and is just a good starting point!
What suggestions or tips would you give for introducing a new baby to your toddler? What worked well for you?