“your body made the baby, it won’t get too big.”
“inductions are evil”
“inductions will make the experience miserable”
“be prepared for the cascade of interventions”
“you’ll have a cesarean if you have an induction”
What’s the beef with inductions? Have you heard or read any of these when someone mentions they’re considering an induction?
The truth is, many people hold the idea that inductions have to be a horrible experience. But, in our experience, that doesn’t have to be the case!
Inductions and the medications and interventions used during inductions are just tools. They hold no moral value. They are not evil. Not “right” or “wrong”. Tools you may need or want, or decide to skip, during your birth process.
You (with the advice of your provider) can decide what fits your needs and your birth plans best given your medical history and circumstances.

One of the ways we help clients walk through making decisions like this is with the BRAIN process.
B- Benefits– ask your provider, and yourself, what are the benefits of what is being offered to me.
R- Risks- what are the risks of what is being offered to me?
A- Alternative- is there anything else available that we could try that could achieve the same results as what is being offered?
I- Intuition- What does my gut say about this particular intervention or decision? Do I feel more at peace when I think about saying yes to this?
N- Nothing- What happens if we do nothing for now? Can we wait to make this decision? Or is this something that needs an answer immediately?
Every single family is going to walk through this process differently and has different thresholds for what their comfort is with the risks and benefits.
Wishing you the best in your decision-making! Only you get to decide what is best for you, your body, and your baby! Let your intuition and BRAIN process be your guide.
You’re doing an amazing job!