There are all kinds of articles and blogs out there for what you “need” in terms of gear, clothing, etc. to welcome baby home. Not only is every list a little different, but some are full of things you may find are not a necessity.
Mayeb your baby shower was cancelled or delayed. With retailers closed, shipping delayed, what once looked like a fun list of things for others to buy for your baby suddenly seems overwhelming and impossible that you have to take on alone.
So, what do you REALLY need when you come home from the hospital? What do you actually NEED that you maybe can’t wait for Amazon or Target to ship at a later date?
- A car seat. In Alabama, you have to have a carseat correctly installed before leaving the hospital. You may want to consider purchasing an infant seat for the early months, but you’ll need to purchase a convertible car seat as your baby grows.
- Something to feed your baby (and supplies if needed.) Breastmilk or formula, you’ll need something to give your baby for sustenance. If you plan to formula feed, you’ll need bottles. If you’re planning to give your baby breastmilk when you’re not around, you’ll need to have some bottles and a breast pump of some kind.
- A safe place to sleep. The AAP recommends room sharing, placing your baby in a separate sleeping space near you. You’ll need a crib, separate co-sleeper, or bassinet with a firm mattress and a crib sheet.
- Diapers. Disposables can come straight to your house with subscriptions in cute patterns now! Cloth diapering, while intimidating at first, can be fun, and cloth diapered bottoms are especially adorable. There are so many options here, but in reality, you just need something to cover the bum. You can buy wipes, too, but soft, damp paper towels come in clutch in an emergency as do bathroom washcloths if you’re using re-usable products.
- Clothing. It doesn’t have to be fancy or a capsule wardrobe. Maybe it’s just a few onesies for now, while you wait for the items you’ve ordered from your favorite boutique. Onesies are easy to change, and There are all kinds of articles and blogs out there for what you “need” in terms of gear, clothing, etc. to welcome baby home. Not only is every list a little different, but some are full of things you may find are not a necessity.
Mayeb your baby shower was cancelled or delayed. With retailers closed, shipping delayed, what once looked like a fun list of things for others to buy for your baby suddenly seems overwhelming and impossible that you have to take on alone.
So, what do you REALLY need when you come home from the hospital? What do you actually NEED that you maybe can’t wait for Amazon or Target to ship at a later date?
- A car seat. In Alabama, you have to have a carseat correctly installed before leaving the hospital. You may want to consider purchasing an infant seat for the early months, but you’ll need to purchase a convertible car seat as your baby grows.
- Something to feed your baby (and supplies if needed.) Breastmilk or formula, you’ll need something to give your baby for sustenance. If you plan to formula feed, you’ll need bottles. If you’re planning to give your baby breastmilk when you’re not around, you’ll need to have some bottles and a breast pump of some kind.
- A safe place to sleep. The AAP recommends room sharing, placing your baby in a separate sleeping space near you. You’ll need a crib, separate co-sleeper, or bassinet with a firm mattress and a crib sheet.
- Diapers. Disposables can come straight to your house with subscriptions in cute patterns now! Cloth diapering, while intimidating at first, can be fun, and cloth diapered bottoms are especially adorable. There are so many options here, but in reality, you just need something to cover the bum. You can buy wipes, too, but soft, damp paper towels come in clutch in an emergency as do bathroom washcloths if you’re using re-usable products.
- Clothing. It doesn’t have to be fancy or a capsule wardrobe. Maybe it’s just a few onesies for now, especially with the weather warming, while you wait for more items to ship from your favorite baby boutique.
Optional purchaces that may make those early days easier:
- Swaddle blanket. We’ve written posts on favorite options before, but just one muslin blanket may come in handy for summer-time weather swaddling for sleep.
- Pacifires for soothing and sleep. Some may say this is in the “must” section of the list. We wouln’t argue that point at all.
- Baby carrier or stroller. Something to put baby in to take the 1,000th quarantine walk around your neighborhood. You could carry your baby in your arms, but a stroller or baby carrier would be more comfortable. (Moby wraps, Beco, and Tula are our top baby carrier picks.)
- Water proof changing pad. For your bed the first few nights home (to protect your sheets from postpartum blood or breastmilk leakage), for under the crib sheet, for whereever you change your baby’s diapers. These things are versitle and useful!
This isn’t a comprehensive list of things you may want or need later. It’s a bare necessities idea list to get you through the first few days or weeks until you can order what you feel like you’re missing, or until your friends and family can celebrate your new family member with you.
Anything you would add for your “must have during pandemic” list for bringing home baby?