If you follow up on social media, you may have seen our recent posts introducing our doula team. We’re also continuing a short series on introducing our Rocket City Doulas doulas in blog format! Today, we hear from Brooke! One of our postpartum and infant care doulas.

What are your certifications and training?
ProDoula postpartum infant care doula.
Why did you become a doula?
After my own postpartum experience, I learned how much a doula can help during that period after delivering your baby.
Why did you want to join Rocket City Doulas?
Tracy! I’ve known her as a fellow doula for years and I knew if she was running an agency for doulas I wanted to be a part of it.
What’s your favorite thing about working with RCD?
The camaraderie. I didn’t realize how much I needed to be able to talk to another Doula, who is going through the same or similar things. It is also amazing to have a back up in case I need it!
What is your favorite thing about being a doula?
My favorite thing about being a Doula is the morning after my night shift, when my client and their family gets that first good night sleep. The relief and happiness in their eyes is palpable.
Without revealing client information, what was your most memorable event/conversation/situation where you thought “This is what makes it all worth it?”
Having a mom of multiples say that if I wasn’t there to help her at night she wouldn’t be able to function during the day.
What’s the hardest thing about being a doula?
Completing a contract with a client knowing I may not see them again. They start to feel like family!
What’s your favorite random doula fact?
We don’t just assist you in the delivery room, we can be there during your postpartum time too!
When you’re not with clients, what are you doing?
Taking care of my kids, cleaning my house or napping.
What are your favorite things to do for fun, and why?
I love to read. It takes me to another world and makes the rest of world go quiet.
What’s your favorite dad joke?
I ordered a chicken and an egg online. I’ll let you know which comes first.
What else should we know about you?