Finding the Perfect Birthing Spots Around Your House: Laboring at Home
Pregnancy is a rollercoaster ride full of excitement and anticipation. At Rocket City Doulas, we recognize it also has its fair share of anxiety, discomfort, and fear, too. Maybe one of those fears and worries centers on when to go to the hospital. You may think you’d like to labor at home for a while before heading to the hospital (or your birthing location) but you’re unsure of what that practically looks like.

Finding the perfect labor spot around your house can feel intimidating and overwhelming, particularly when you imagine the new (or repeated) experience of contractions and labor. Your Rocket City Doulas Doula will usually suggest starting in your bedroom since that’s where you can typically relax the most. However, here are a few of our favorite ways of laboring at home that you might not think of!
- The Dilation Depot: Ah, the bathroom—your sanctuary for all things pee-related during pregnancy. But did you know it can also be the perfect labor spot? With its cozy confines, extra privacy, soothing running water, and easy access to the toilet (for all those bathroom breaks), it’s a prime location for laboring clients. (You may have even heard of the toilet called “dilation station” by a few of our doulas!) ProTip- turn off the overhead lights and plug in some twinkly lights to create an even more relaxing environment. Plus, who knows, the sound of running water and calming ambiance might even trick your brain into thinking you’re in a spa!
- The Couch Comfort Center: Don’t underestimate the power of a good old-fashioned couch. It is the place where you’ve binged your favorite TV shows, cuddled up with your partner, and now, it can be your labor spot too! Transform your living room into a labor sanctuary by turning the lights down, adding extra pillows, your favorite cozy blanket, and a side table stocked with snacks and water. Imagine the positions you may find comfortable- bouncing on a birth ball, laying on your left side with a pillow between your knees, hands, and knees supported by pillows. Have some movies/shows earmarked for early labor! It is the perfect place and time (if you can’t sleep) to binge-watch something that interests you! **ProTip- Bring your birth ball to the edge of the couch, sit on it, and have your partner sit behind you. They can massage your back or give counter pressure while watching tv with you!
- Kitchen Cove: The kitchen can be an unexpected yet surprisingly effective labor spot. The kitchen counter may be a spot to lean over and ground yourself during a contraction. The kitchen also has all of your snack and hydration needs covered! **ProTip- try sitting backward on a kitchen chair and leaning over for a restful position between contractions.
- Blissful Backyard: If you’re a nature enthusiast, consider taking your labor outside. The fresh air, gentle breeze, and the sounds of birds chirping can create a serene and calming atmosphere. We’ve even seen clients set up labor and birth tubs outside! **ProTip- if you’re laboring at night, consider bringing those twinkle lights outside with you!
- The Nursery Nook: Why wait to experience the joy of your baby’s nursery? Create a cozy nook within the nursery itself and turn it into your labor spot. Surround yourself with your baby’s things, bring your birth ball into the space along with pillows, and it becomes the perfect way to feel close to your little one before they make their grand entrance. **ProTip-if you have carpet in the nursery and are worried your water might break, consider purchasing some waterproof pads OR throw some towels down under you! (The pads also work well in the car for potty training toddlers!)

Laboring at home can make your birthing experience more comfortable, enjoyable, and memorable (as well as help you spend less time in the hospital!) From the dilation depot to the nursery nook, there are endless possibilities to create the perfect atmosphere for welcoming your little bundle of joy. Be creative, use what you have, and find your labor flow!
Did you know, your doula can join you while laboring at home? Find out more today by scheduling a 30-minute call!