Opening this agency has been a huge change for me. I have been doing the solo doula practice thing for 10 years. While my family life has pushed me in the direction of sustainable birth work the last few years, it would still be *easiest* for me to continue with solo work. It’s what I know. I’m good at it. (Reminds me of that SNL skit: “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!”) But, seriously, it would be less stressful to keep the status quo.
This agency gig has been mentally exhausting for me. Transitioning from something I know how to do well, to something I had ZERO knowledge about is also very humbling. (Thank goodness for my agency-opening-doula, business consultant, providing me with invaluable information and supporting me as give birth to my new baby. It’s so much bigger and better than what I imagined my business could be 10 years ago.)
I know it’s cliche to compare new business ventures as giving birth, but in reality, that’s totally what it feels like. Right now I’m in transition. Sometimes I want to quit. Things are intense. It’s uncomfortable.I’m going to be honest, I have wanted to give up. When it gets really hard, like when I have to make the 100th phone call and I HATE MAKING PHONE CALLS, I have to keep reminding myself what’s in store at the end of this process. It’s going to be amazing, but right now it’s uncomfortable.
That uncomfortable place, though, that’s the place we make significant change. In business, in personal growth, in working out, in labor. Change can be exciting, change can be terrifying, almost always uncomfortable. It is often beautiful, it’s usually hard, but it’s always worth it.
Give Rocket City Doulas a call to see how we can support you through your life transitions. We will be up and running as RCD at the end of 2019. We are taking new clients for 2020 now.