A few doulas were having a discussion recently about their favorite things to see on clients’ baby registries. It turns out, more than a few of us get geeked out when our clients, unknowingly, put our favorite products on their registries.

Here are our top three favorite products to see on our clients’ registries!
- Frida Mom Labor and Delivery + Postpartum Recovery Kit– While there are a few things on the labor side of this kit that may be unnecessary, we love the ease of the combo pack! The reason we love this kit, in particular, is the “5-step recovery regimen”. Peri-bottle, ice pads, and more make this kit a perfect gift to prepare for the postpartum period!
- The Original Miracle Blanket– the ONLY swaddle that personally kept my Houdini baby swaddled past the tiny newborn stage (My favorite for tiny babies can be found here on this old blog post.) No loud velcro (especially nice when working with multiples in the middle of the night!) and adjustability to make sure you get that swaddle exactly how you want! There is a small learning curve, but once you learn, it’s easy peasy! I also love that this company is based here in Alabama!
- Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump– If breastfeeding is a part of your plan, we love these portable and simple pumps to add to your tools.
BONUS idea- A postpartum doula from Rocket City Doulas. Why not shoot for the stars with your registry and register for services from our certified Postpartum and Infant Care doulas?
It was actually more difficult to narrow this list down to only 3 items! So, let us know in the comments if you want to hear more of our favorites!